Circular Works
by Leonardo Pierro
The circular works refer to the theme expressed by American Pop Art and masterfully translated by the pen of the critic Germano Celant in the famous book "The American Tornado- Art in Power 1949-2008"
"Based on the primacy
of prices and working on the excessive exposure of value though mass media standardization, this tornado not only eliminates any opposition or conflict connected with the history of art but also absorbs it and reduces it to
compliance with fashion. Here the success of new developments depends on updated connected with marketing and publicity generated by the channels of information, by newspapers and magazines produced in the universes of paper
and electronics. It lives on "blaring" communication that follows the prearranged program of glorifying the fascination of art as an entity driven to go beyond any boundary, the program of imagination that is neither predictable
nor controllable and hence "unique" and "free"-intriguing and enticing term for a global system that lives, as Bauman asserts, by proceeding with no disciplinary control and relying solely on the overwhelming power of money
and purchasing."
Cit. Pag. 9 Skira Ed. 2008
- Date : 2001/2007
- Status : On Sale
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